martes, octubre 25, 2005

go white sox!

so ive kinda jumped the white sox bandwagon. actually, i dont really care that much. im just exicted we actually get the world series games down here. i gotta pull for the sox cuz theyre from the midwest and cuz i think roger clemens shouldve been kicked outta baseball years ago. well, game 3 tonight. actually tho, i kinda hope this series goes 7 games, so if the astros win tonight, i wont be too upset. im just glad i get to watch.


At 10:44 p. m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

we're routing for the white sox also. Dad dislikes Clemens for faking retirement from baseball.

At 11:17 p. m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

It'd be pretty hilarious to see Ozzie Guillen win a World Series. He'd never shut up about it. I'm rooting for the Sox also.

I guess this is kind of related, did you read about Ugeth Urbina? Apparently he beat up a bunch of workers on a farm he owns. They might charge him with attempted homicide. It's been on the news a lot here lately. He went crazy!

Hope everything's going fine, Jeff.

- Leo

At 4:27 p. m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

Did you hear Major League Baseball made the Astros open the roof on their stadium? The Astros wanted it closed because its louder and supposedly the ball carries better with it closed and they are something like 36-17 with it closed. But MLB said no and made them open it, and the Astros are upset about it.

-Your brother

At 4:32 p. m., Blogger JB said...

leo! good to hear from u dawg. i wondered where youve been. good to see u still read the blog. what is yours and carlitos` email addresses??? keep in touch man!


At 10:06 p. m., Anonymous Anónimo said...


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